full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Oliver Elfenbaum: How does the stock market work?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

This see-saw of supply and dnaemd is influenced by many factors. coiepmnas are under the unavoidable influence of market forces– such as the fluctuating price of materials, changes in production technology, and the shifting costs of labor. Investors may be worried about changes in leadership, bad pctbluiiy, or larger factors like new laws and trade policies. And of course, plenty of investors are simply raedy to sell valuable stocks and pursue personal interests. All these variables cause day-to-day niose in the market, which can make companies appear more or less secsuufcsl. And in the sotck market, appearing to lose value often leads to losing ivoersnts, and in turn, losing actual value.

Open Cloze

This see-saw of supply and ______ is influenced by many factors. _________ are under the unavoidable influence of market forces– such as the fluctuating price of materials, changes in production technology, and the shifting costs of labor. Investors may be worried about changes in leadership, bad _________, or larger factors like new laws and trade policies. And of course, plenty of investors are simply _____ to sell valuable stocks and pursue personal interests. All these variables cause day-to-day _____ in the market, which can make companies appear more or less __________. And in the _____ market, appearing to lose value often leads to losing _________, and in turn, losing actual value.


  1. publicity
  2. companies
  3. noise
  4. demand
  5. investors
  6. successful
  7. stock
  8. ready

Original Text

This see-saw of supply and demand is influenced by many factors. Companies are under the unavoidable influence of market forces– such as the fluctuating price of materials, changes in production technology, and the shifting costs of labor. Investors may be worried about changes in leadership, bad publicity, or larger factors like new laws and trade policies. And of course, plenty of investors are simply ready to sell valuable stocks and pursue personal interests. All these variables cause day-to-day noise in the market, which can make companies appear more or less successful. And in the stock market, appearing to lose value often leads to losing investors, and in turn, losing actual value.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
stock market 4
dutch east 2
east india 2
india company 2
buying stocks 2
company starts 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
dutch east india 2
east india company 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
dutch east india company 2

Important Words

  1. actual
  2. appearing
  3. bad
  4. companies
  5. costs
  6. demand
  7. factors
  8. fluctuating
  9. influence
  10. influenced
  11. interests
  12. investors
  13. labor
  14. larger
  15. laws
  16. leadership
  17. leads
  18. lose
  19. losing
  20. market
  21. materials
  22. noise
  23. personal
  24. plenty
  25. policies
  26. price
  27. production
  28. publicity
  29. pursue
  30. ready
  31. sell
  32. shifting
  33. simply
  34. stock
  35. stocks
  36. successful
  37. supply
  38. technology
  39. trade
  40. turn
  41. unavoidable
  42. valuable
  43. variables
  44. worried